Accelerators - Seed Capital Funds

SeedCamp (UK)
Seedcamp is Europe's leading micro-seed investment fund and mentoring program. Since launching in 2007, our family now includes 70 of Europe's most promising startups with several acquisitions

HackFwd (DE)
A team of experienced tech entrepreneurs looking to support and invest in Europe’s most passionate geeks. HackFwd is a pre-seed investment company designed to enable great people to launch great ideas.

SpringBoard (UK)
Provides seed capital, office space and a "smart-community" with mentors and other entrepreneurs.

Open Fund (GR)
The Openfund aims to help entrepreneurs with fresh ideas to jumpstart their business while providing support on all things a startup needs

Y combinatory (USA)
In 2005, Y Combinator developed a new model of startup funding. Since then they've funded over 460 startups, including Reddit, Disqus, Dropbox Heroku, Airbnb and Hipmunk

500 Startups (USA)
500 Startups is seed fund and startup accelerator. They believe successful internet startups are born from usable design, customer-focused metrics, and online distribution.

Geekcelerator (RO)
Accelerator program, looking mainly for European teams, formed of geeks with hardcore skills in product design and coding; super ambitious and aiming to disrupt the market they are addressing.

Eleven (BG)
Eleven is a EUR 12 million venture fund that provides financing to early-stage startups using an incremental investment approach alongside iterative development – thereby, starting with many small experiments, filter out failures, and invest in successes.

LaunchHUB (BG)
LAUNCHub (Launch hub) is a Euro Seed & Acceleration fund, supported by a mentor-led program that invests in startup companies, mainly from the ICT sector from Bulgaria and the region. Our investments range from EUR 30K to 200K per company and we also provide guiding mentorship.